Remember when I did my November bujo spread …? Well, that inspired me. I realized I could paint mushrooms, and that was enough to spark a new journal. I already had the cover, all I had to do was paint it.
Though she be but little, she is fierce – William Shakespeare
Remember when I did my November bujo spread …? Well, that inspired me. I realized I could paint mushrooms, and that was enough to spark a new journal. I already had the cover, all I had to do was paint it.
It took me a while to get around to writing this post, and I have just discovered a problem. I only took one picture of the outside of the journal, one picture of the journal wrapped up, and zero pictures of the inside. “Well, can’t you take more?” Nope. I gave the journal away months ago. So there won’t be extensive pictures this time. Hope you enjoy anyway!
Continue reading “Vintage Rose Journal”My bullet journal has been feeling a bit bland lately, so I thought for the new month I would spice it up with an interesting theme: mushrooms. After some consideration on how to go about creating this theme, I decided to throw myself into the waters and try acrylic painting. Now, I’m not entirely new to acrylic painting, I’ve done it once …maybe twice before. But never directly into my prized bujo, so the stakes were somewhat raised for this particular painting.
Continue reading “Testing acrylic paint”One of my friends is entering collage this fall. She is very creative and an avid writer, so, knowing her aesthetic, I thought she would appreciate a steampunk journal as a going off to college gift.
…And a new year begins. For me the start of this year was a great time to attempt a reset physically and mentally. One of the few things I stalled doing during the last number of months was bullet journalling with any earnestness. As the bullet journal was supposed to help me be more productive, I believe I also lost some of my productivity when the bujo exited my daily life. So, I am going to set up the spreads for the coming year and month to hopefully launch myself back into bullet journalling.
Continue reading “Happy New Year! 2023 BuJo Set up”What do you do with a hard-bound book you really don’t need but are too lazy to get rid of? Turn it into a journal, perhaps.
As Christmas crept closer, I finally finished the journal I was putting together as a gift. The reality is that making a journal is not as hard as one would think. The hardest part of this one was probably separating the original book from its cover.