grief is a ghost in the bathroom

Grief is a ghost in the bathroom
As you brush your teeth
A glimpse in the mirror
A memory stirred
And pain no one should endure

Grief is your shadow at dusk
Stretching long behind you
A glance at your back
A moment of dark
And a shudder through the heart

Grief is the chill in the morning
While your coffee brews
A stare into your mug
A voice and laughter
“Have you tried plain water?”

Grief is the sudden drop of a cup
Water spilled on the floor
Tears pooling in your eyes
A flash of anger
A pleaded question and no answer

Grief is waving goodbye
While standing at the door
A heartache and sudden fear
“What if he dies
Would I ever be able to rise?”

Time may pass and seasons change
But grief shall always be there
Silent, licking her paws
Grooming her ears
Waiting to prey upon your fears

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