thoughts from the littlest child of the moon

(aka a poem I wrote at two in the morning)

Have you ever received
A silver invitation?
Have you ever seen
A king’s coronation?
Have you ever been told
That your hearts stone?
Have you ever glowed
With lights stolen?

Here, come hither,
And join our great feast
Drink from this river
And have this cake sweet
Do you see him up there,
The king in his crown,
With his skin so fair
And light all around?

That king is my father
And by far the best
That light is from mother
She watches my quest.
Both are so pretty,
But father by far
Wins the whole lottery
Of his littlest star.

Come away, come thither
Right back to Earth
And look in that mirror
And see a new birth
The moon is all dark
It tis a new moon
That means a feast
Shall be very soon.

So look you received
A silver invitation
Come now and see
A king’s coronation
Don’t listen if you are told
That a mortal heart is stone
Come with me and glow
With mom’s light we stole

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