little doves, great big tree

Little doves under the tree
Little doves what shall I be?
Great big tree that shelters them,
Is my future very grim?
Do you see a rich young man
Do I get lots of land?
Don’t look too far in my past
That there lurks a bad romance
Little doves, great big tree,
Tell me now what shall I be?

Little doves under the tree,
Little doves, what do you see?
Do you see a man of state
Am I written in his fate?
Do you see a gown so fair
Are there pearls strung in my hair?
Do you see a land so wide,
Am I to be the rich man’s bride?
Little doves under the tree
Tell me now, what do you see?

Little girl out in the sun
Little girl we see the one
We see a boy with hair so black
He has a home but a job he lacks
We see you in trousers plain
Ruling over your small domain
We see you by and by so old
In your hair was never gold
Yes we see you by the boy’s side
And you shall be his bride
Little girl out in the sun
If you don’t like that turn and run

Great big tree that shelters them
Is my future really that grim?
Tell me that’s a spun web of lies
Tell me I’ll be rich when I die
Great big tree that shelters them
Please don’t tell me my life is grim.

Little girl so full of tears
Come on over and draw near
No your fates not very grim
Because I see you with him
With the boy of hair so black
But that does not mean you lack
I see you, in a bed you lie
You are the boy’s earth and sky
I see happily married
In no drowning riches buried
To be rich is not necessary
For your life to be happy
Little girl so full of tears
Smile, your life is very clear.

Little doves under the tree
Thank you for telling me
Great big tree that shelters them
I’m so glad my life’s not grim
Little doves, great big tree,
Thank you, I am so happy.

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