Evitak Ulkiladaaler Antrindemer

(Kilada’s Lament) A poem written by Isaiah, may his soul rest in peace

Where now the trees upon thy rolling hills,
Where now thy wisdom, strength of the sun?
They are crushed by time upon the mills,
Their glory crumbled and their end come.

Where now thy legions, neath the bright moon,
Where now thy strength enshrined in white?
They are bones in the dust, fallen so soon,
They are shattered and lost is their light.

The winds cry lonely ‘neath the torn sky,
Desolate plains, marked by thy blood.
Empty cities, where once you did cry,
Ah for thy cry, if only you could.

All now is lost, surely now past is the curse?
Now paid by thine blood is the cost.
And I? I am left alone, last as I was first.
My fountain of life is all wasted and lost.

Where now my love, mirrored in thy faces?
Where now life’s joy, green grass in the meadow?
They are gone, lost forever, silent places
alone left, to haunt this lost, forgotten shade.

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