give her back

MissionSparrow: You know how miserable it is watching other people suffer from mental illnesses? Watching them struggle to get through each day, struggle to contain their pain, struggle to be the person everyone expects them to be, it’s hard. It hurts. And it takes its toll on you eventually. Enjoy.

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I wrote a novel …

January 13, 2024, mid-morning: I finished my first full length novel. Or at least, I finished a first draft. Now I am recruiting beta-readers, or as I am fondly calling them, beta-fish, to read the draft and help me work towards editing it to be readable to an audience. But first, let us back track, and I shall explain how we got here in the first place.

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A poem I wrote for my little sister …

An excellent 14th birthday,
To the princess who lights up my life.
May she have grace in all her doings,
And a wonderfully happy life.

A wonderously happy birthday,
To my little princess so small.
May her heart be strong and loving,
And may she grow quite tall!

A beautiful, bright birthday,
To this princess who so loves blue.
May she wear her crown with pride,
And may her heart always be true.

Our Laws Affect Our Culture

In a talk he gave at Wyoming Catholic College (WCC), Joshua Craddock posed the idea that law affects culture. His talk inspired me to write this short paper.

According to Rick Warren, “Law is downstream of culture. By the time you make a law about something, you’re reacting, not acting.” Rick Warren is saying that our culture directly affects our laws, and to believe otherwise would be foolish. However, what Warren misses in saying culture affects law, is that law also affects culture. While it is true that culture affects law, it is also true that law affects culture, changing how people view certain activities to the point that one could say culture is, as Warren says, ‘downstream’ of law.

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