Our Laws Affect Our Culture

In a talk he gave at Wyoming Catholic College (WCC), Joshua Craddock posed the idea that law affects culture. His talk inspired me to write this short paper.

According to Rick Warren, “Law is downstream of culture. By the time you make a law about something, you’re reacting, not acting.” Rick Warren is saying that our culture directly affects our laws, and to believe otherwise would be foolish. However, what Warren misses in saying culture affects law, is that law also affects culture. While it is true that culture affects law, it is also true that law affects culture, changing how people view certain activities to the point that one could say culture is, as Warren says, ‘downstream’ of law.

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the beginning of Astéri, light incarnate, goddess of the sun

Time fell in love with Chaos’s creation, Gi, and by and by she bore him twins —male and female. The girl shone bright as all the stars above in the Darkness, and was called Astéri. The boy was pale as the ghost of long forgotten gods, and was called Chlomós. The two grew together, inseparable from the womb. Closest to Gi, over her the two watched, jealously guarding the mother they loved so dearly. 

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portal to pirates ocean

My fingers danced over the controller, fiddling with the stick and pressing buttons ferociously. “Ugh!” I sat back and ran my hand through my hair, knocking my cat-eared headphones onto my shoulders. The screen in front of me bore the ominous screen of death:

Game over: GameZero died. Restart? Or …Pay five-thousand silver to continue.

Groaning I checked the amount of silver I had. 7,000.

“One more try, then I’ll play somethin’ else.” I clicked the ‘pay five thousand to continue’ and grabbed my headphones to slide them back on.

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Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness – a short note on the day

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

With each passing Independence day, I see more and more signs simply saying ‘happy July 4th’ and wonder with each one … are we, as the people of this nation, forgetting the meaning behind why we celebrate July 4th, or rather, why we celebrate Independence day?

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Farewell, Adios, Goodbye

What is one of the hardest words in any language?


Whether it is a goodbye for a short time or a long time, it is always hard. A friend says goodbye till tomorrow, and yet hesitates to go out the door. A husband leaves on a buisness trip for two weeks, but calls every night and hates the need for this goodbye. Again: a sibling leaves on a trip with some friends, but writes letters home and cries over the phone; the goodbye paining her heart and leaving her chest aching.

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The Traveling Book

I have finally reached the stage of preparing for my trip where I pack the backpack.
I gather together the various assortments of things I must bring with me: sketch book, reading books, origami paper, etc.

When I begin to pack I find, in middle of the stack, a book with which I am well acquainted. Despite never having meant to put it in the stack it has ended up there, almost as if it had a mind of its own.

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