Lullaby sang in Cortos

“Softly softly lay thy head
Down upon thy cotton bed
Sleep now sleep now child of mine
Guarded by the Hand Divine

Let thy mind now wander free
Through the autumn apple-trees
Light upon the boat so small
Row on down the waterfall

Drift on down the living stream
Set thy bow for the Ocean’s dream.”

(Cortos is a fictional country in my most recent novel Tears and a Starlit Sky)

Tears and a Starlit Sky, chapter 1: To Endless Wilds

My tiara slid forward, tilting into my eyes, and I regretted not having cast it aside earlier. Shaking my head, I threw it off. Metal clanged against rock somewhere below, an echoing sound which seemed three times as loud as I had expected. Shaking, I struggled to find another handhold on the rocky cliffside. My hand found a sharp outjunt and I grabbed it, pain blooming in my hand. With a gasp I yanked my hand back and tried not to cry as warm blood ran down my palm and dripped onto my pink summer dress. Closing my eyes, I took a couple deep breaths, then opened them and slowly began climbing, ignoring the stinging pain from the gash as it was pressed into dirty rock. 

Continue reading “Tears and a Starlit Sky, chapter 1: To Endless Wilds”

I wrote a novel …

January 13, 2024, mid-morning: I finished my first full length novel. Or at least, I finished a first draft. Now I am recruiting beta-readers, or as I am fondly calling them, beta-fish, to read the draft and help me work towards editing it to be readable to an audience. But first, let us back track, and I shall explain how we got here in the first place.

Continue reading “I wrote a novel …”