Happy New Year! 2023 BuJo Set up

…And a new year begins. For me the start of this year was a great time to attempt a reset physically and mentally. One of the few things I stalled doing during the last number of months was bullet journalling with any earnestness. As the bullet journal was supposed to help me be more productive, I believe I also lost some of my productivity when the bujo exited my daily life. So, I am going to set up the spreads for the coming year and month to hopefully launch myself back into bullet journalling.

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1st Junk Journal

What do you do with a hard-bound book you really don’t need but are too lazy to get rid of? Turn it into a journal, perhaps.

As Christmas crept closer, I finally finished the journal I was putting together as a gift. The reality is that making a journal is not as hard as one would think. The hardest part of this one was probably separating the original book from its cover.

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