(aka a poem I wrote at two in the morning)
Have you ever received
A silver invitation?
Have you ever seen
A king’s coronation?
Have you ever been told
That your hearts stone?
Have you ever glowed
With lights stolen?
Though she be but little, she is fierce – William Shakespeare
(aka a poem I wrote at two in the morning)
Have you ever received
A silver invitation?
Have you ever seen
A king’s coronation?
Have you ever been told
That your hearts stone?
Have you ever glowed
With lights stolen?
Death is like a wide, open sky
All friendly and inviting,
Such a well hidden lie.
The numbers like this 0 tell you which source in the bibliography the part comes from.
Smoking tobacco is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States(US)3; for example, smoking is linked to approximately 80 percent of deaths caused by lung cancer.4 Despite both statistics pointing towards the dangers of smoking, tobacco has remained popular across the US since the beginning of the nation. Due to the popularity and demand for tobacco, the US government has continued to allow the use of the plant to remain legal.9 However, considering the Constitution and amendments, which are the basis for all laws in the US, does the government have the right to keep tobacco legal? Although tobacco, which contains the highly addictive drug nicotine, is popular in America today, tobacco not only costs the healthcare system more money than its taxes bring in but also directly defies citizens’ constitutional right to life and liberty.
Understanding how tobacco sales defy the Constitution requires understanding five points. First, one must understand what tobacco is and what smoking it does. Second, one must understand the history of tobacco, for the past affects the modern use. Third, one must address the main arguments for the legality of tobacco: how the tax money from tobacco helps the healthcare system and how the people must have the liberty to choose whether or not to smoke. Fourth, one must counter the arguments by explaining how tobacco defies the people’s rights. Finally, one must show how the knowledge that tobacco sales are unconstitutional can be put to good use.
Continue reading “Should Tobacco Sales Be Banned in the United States?”What does it mean to be anxious? What even is anxiety?
Continue reading “What is anxiety?”I wish I could take back our very first meeting
Wash the memories from the walls and try again
For in my mind I cannot help keep repeating
That I did not make the best impression then.
If I could redo things, I would ask you questions
And you’d do the talking ’cause I have nothing to tell
I wouldn’t tell you how I feel, or how I go through hell
What are sisters and why love them, you wonder.
Well, I’ll explain as best I can, as I have quite a number.
According to science a sister is a female
With the same parents as another individual.
But that definitions a shame, really it completely fails
To show you what a sister truly is, she’s a miracle.
My sisters, well yes my bloodkin, are so much more
They’re the support beams holding me high enough to see light
They’re the candles that burn through my darkest night
And I love them.
Continue reading “What Sisters Do”I am what you might call an overthinker
I spend my nights awake, staring at the ceiling
Tracing thoughts on the walls, letting my fingers linger
Over the memories the pale purple paint is concealing
Till the world is faded to deepest black
And sleep overpowers my brain at long last
The only currently found fragment of Zahur’s poem in tribute Lady Wisdom.
Continue reading “to lady wisdom”MissionSparrow: You know how miserable it is watching other people suffer from mental illnesses? Watching them struggle to get through each day, struggle to contain their pain, struggle to be the person everyone expects them to be, it’s hard. It hurts. And it takes its toll on you eventually. Enjoy.
Continue reading “give her back”MissionSparrow: Ever had that moment when you can crystal clear see a character’s death and how painful it is to the people around them, but you also have no idea who they are, where they live, or what the heck is going on? No? Um, let me give you a quick taste then.
Continue reading “maybe I can be a flower?”