My bullet journal has been feeling a bit bland lately, so I thought for the new month I would spice it up with an interesting theme: mushrooms. After some consideration on how to go about creating this theme, I decided to throw myself into the waters and try acrylic painting. Now, I’m not entirely new to acrylic painting, I’ve done it once …maybe twice before. But never directly into my prized bujo, so the stakes were somewhat raised for this particular painting.
Continue reading “Testing acrylic paint”Author: MissionSparrow
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness – a short note on the day
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
With each passing Independence day, I see more and more signs simply saying ‘happy July 4th’ and wonder with each one … are we, as the people of this nation, forgetting the meaning behind why we celebrate July 4th, or rather, why we celebrate Independence day?
Continue reading “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness – a short note on the day”Steampunk Journal
One of my friends is entering collage this fall. She is very creative and an avid writer, so, knowing her aesthetic, I thought she would appreciate a steampunk journal as a going off to college gift.

Chocolate Banana Bread
I don’t enjoy scrolling through pages upon pages of how someone made the recipe and why, along with random life stories. So, I won’t put you through that either. Instead, sparing you my tale of woe, here is the recipe:
Continue reading “Chocolate Banana Bread”Wedding cake for eldest sister
The day has finally come when I craft a cake for a genuine wedding. Knowing the cake was for such a special day was exciting and at the same time incredibly nerve racking. Since I was to help with some of the wedding prep aside from the cake, I wanted to make sure there was plenty of time to complete the cake. So we started approximately two weeks in advance.
Continue reading “Wedding cake for eldest sister”Winter Wonderland Cake
It all started when my sister forgot to tell me what her cake should look like. I asked her what she ‘wanted’ the cake to be …she assumed I was talking about flavor, and said lemon or vanilla. So I decided since her birthday falls in January, and it is always horrendously snowy this time of year, to surprise her with a snow storm or winter wonderland themed cake.
Continue reading “Winter Wonderland Cake”Happy New Year! 2023 BuJo Set up
…And a new year begins. For me the start of this year was a great time to attempt a reset physically and mentally. One of the few things I stalled doing during the last number of months was bullet journalling with any earnestness. As the bullet journal was supposed to help me be more productive, I believe I also lost some of my productivity when the bujo exited my daily life. So, I am going to set up the spreads for the coming year and month to hopefully launch myself back into bullet journalling.
Continue reading “Happy New Year! 2023 BuJo Set up”1st Junk Journal
What do you do with a hard-bound book you really don’t need but are too lazy to get rid of? Turn it into a journal, perhaps.
As Christmas crept closer, I finally finished the journal I was putting together as a gift. The reality is that making a journal is not as hard as one would think. The hardest part of this one was probably separating the original book from its cover.

Crochet a gift bag
So you don’t want to buy wrapping paper or a gift bag …and you happen to have some yarn lying around …well, let’s crochet a gift bag.

Putting in the extra effort makes the recipient feel that much more loved; which worked out really well since my gift was a wedding present and needed to be special.
Continue reading “Crochet a gift bag”Making a Mock Wedding Cake
You probably are a little freaked out and overwhelmed simply from reading the title of this post. Take a deep breath, calm down. A wedding cake is not that hard.
The first steps is to make the cake layers: three six inch cake layers, whatever flavor you please, I did lemon chiffon. Now a heads up here, although the chiffon is lighter and will not weigh down the other tiers as much, it is much squishier and may fall over if left sitting out for a number of hours; it was definitely leaning after the sitting out for awhile.
Continue reading “Making a Mock Wedding Cake”