Look at that little tree
All withered and sad
Framed against the sea
Doesn’t it make you glad
That you are not a sea tree?

The Burial

Wind instead of rain
Tears and yet no pain
Dirt tossed upon a coffin
Where in lies a body
Of a boy, and where in
Lies the pieces of my heart
And the pain that nobody
No child, should ever be a part

And yet here we stand,
Children, mother, and father
Beside this sacred land
Where in your body shall rest
Yes, here we stand,
Beating on our breasts.

Tears and a Starlit Sky, chapter 1: To Endless Wilds

My tiara slid forward, tilting into my eyes, and I regretted not having cast it aside earlier. Shaking my head, I threw it off. Metal clanged against rock somewhere below, an echoing sound which seemed three times as loud as I had expected. Shaking, I struggled to find another handhold on the rocky cliffside. My hand found a sharp outjunt and I grabbed it, pain blooming in my hand. With a gasp I yanked my hand back and tried not to cry as warm blood ran down my palm and dripped onto my pink summer dress. Closing my eyes, I took a couple deep breaths, then opened them and slowly began climbing, ignoring the stinging pain from the gash as it was pressed into dirty rock. 

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