Death is like a wide, open sky
All friendly and inviting,
Such a well hidden lie.
Month: April 2024
Should Tobacco Sales Be Banned in the United States?
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Smoking tobacco is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States(US)3; for example, smoking is linked to approximately 80 percent of deaths caused by lung cancer.4 Despite both statistics pointing towards the dangers of smoking, tobacco has remained popular across the US since the beginning of the nation. Due to the popularity and demand for tobacco, the US government has continued to allow the use of the plant to remain legal.9 However, considering the Constitution and amendments, which are the basis for all laws in the US, does the government have the right to keep tobacco legal? Although tobacco, which contains the highly addictive drug nicotine, is popular in America today, tobacco not only costs the healthcare system more money than its taxes bring in but also directly defies citizens’ constitutional right to life and liberty.
Understanding how tobacco sales defy the Constitution requires understanding five points. First, one must understand what tobacco is and what smoking it does. Second, one must understand the history of tobacco, for the past affects the modern use. Third, one must address the main arguments for the legality of tobacco: how the tax money from tobacco helps the healthcare system and how the people must have the liberty to choose whether or not to smoke. Fourth, one must counter the arguments by explaining how tobacco defies the people’s rights. Finally, one must show how the knowledge that tobacco sales are unconstitutional can be put to good use.
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