just for you

I can see you’ve been crying,
So come over here, let me hug you.
You’ve had a rough week,
Perhaps a rough month
Or maybe you’re whole life is pain.
Let me hug you and ask you a question or two.
That on my mind have been weighing.

If I break your walls piece-by-piece
So the pains not too much, will you let me in?
If I give you medicine to quell the hurt
And write the healing on your heart, will let me do it?
If I shower you in kindness and wash away
The grime of grief, would you wear clean clothes again?

If I show you the stars and buy you a coffee …
If I give you the world, will you then be happy?

Don’t go yet,
Please hear me out.

I will give you my heart, my soul, and my all;
I will love you forever through all of eternity.
So smile. Just smile. Let me into your heart
Let me break your walls apart

I’ll do it slowly, so as not to hurt.

I’ll love you despite all your secrets
And even, one day, share mine.
You wanna know a secret?
I already love you, so much it hurts.
A kind of hurt that can’t be quieted,
A kind of pain that can’t be healed.

But that’s more than alright
‘Cause it’s the kind of hurt
Which gets me up in the morning
And carries me through the day.
It’s the kinda hurt that makes me smile
And reminds me why I still fight.

And it’s all you …it’s all you.
You taught me to laugh, and to hold my head high,
To believe and to trust and to my walls to say goodbye.

And I want to do the same for you
‘Cause I love you.
So smile with me, or cry in my arms,
And don’t swim alone through this sea.
I know, all to well, how hard that can be.

Come here now, and let me hug you,
And answer my question someday.
Take your time, I’ll be patient till you’re ready,
I’ll reserve my heart just for you.
Because I love just for, yes, I love just for you.