I have finally reached the stage of preparing for my trip where I pack the backpack.
I gather together the various assortments of things I must bring with me: sketch book, reading books, origami paper, etc.
When I begin to pack I find, in middle of the stack, a book with which I am well acquainted. Despite never having meant to put it in the stack it has ended up there, almost as if it had a mind of its own.

You could call this book the ‘Traveling Book.’ Though its looks are of a very worn and ordinary copy of Howl’s Moving Castle, it is much more. This book has been everywhere with me. From traveling to Arkansas in the south to caving deep beneath the ground. I never specifically decide to bring along, it simply comes of its own accord.
Yet, for all of that, I do not think of this book as out of the ordinary. Rather I believe everyone, whether they know it or not, has an item, small or large, which always goes with them.
So …what is your travel item? Do you know?